Why You Need A Mouse Exterminator

Why You Need A Mouse Exterminator


Why You Need A Mouse Exterminator

We recently looked at the history of rodent plagues in Melbourne. Unfortunately, mice and rats are still swarming the city and suburbs in high proportions, making it important to understand the risks these pests can cause property, but more importantly, human health. These are the facts Why You Need A Mouse Exterminator, Around the world, rats and mice are known to spread over 35 diseases that can infect both people and pets. And, unfortunately, it can be easier to catch these diseases than you might imagine. It is true that some require a direct bite from the animal. But let’s take a look at two diseases that can be passed on merely from rodent urine and faeces coming in contact with human food or kitchen utensils.

Mouse Typhoid, also known as Duck Egg Disease (Salmonella Typhimurium) is a bacteria that can be passed from mice to humans via the droppings of an infected animal. It can be spread just by urine or feces contact on kitchen utensils. Did you know that a single mouse dropping has the potential of carrying 100,000 salmonella cells! This is frightening considering the CSIRO has declared that Salmonella is the second highest cause of bacterial foodborne gastroenteritis in Australia, after Campylobacter. In turn, Salmonella, along with Listeria Monocytogenes, is responsible for more deaths in Australia than any other foodborne disease. In fact, 15 people die from each of these per year! In addition, Salmonella Typhimurium is the nastiest of the all the Salmonella bacterias, as it can cause typhoid fever in humans: a frequently fatal bloodstream infection. Symptoms of this infection include stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and fever, and should be treated with urgent medical attention.

Another disease that can be spread via urine and feces contact with food and utensils is Lymphocytic Shoriomeningitis. This virus actually remains dormant in mice and is spread via their faeces. People that contract the disease from eating human food that mice have been in contact with, or from touched utensils, will suffer a mild form of meningitis. This condition is endemic, or only found, in Australia. As you may know, meningitis is the inflammation of the soft tissue membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord underneath and skull and spinal column. Symptoms may include nausea, headache, vomiting, general malaise, fever, neck stiffness, an aversion to bright lights, joint and muscle aches, confusion, drowsiness, a rash, sore throat, stomach pains and diarrhoea. Although viral meningitis is usually more mild than the bacterial type, it is still vital that those suffering these symptoms seek medical attention. This is especially important for those with low immune systems.

With this in mind, it is vital to protect yourself and your family from diseases carried by rodents in Australia. And as the plagues that hit Victoria last year are far from gone, the rodent problem in Melbourne’s inner and outer suburbs is still at epic proportions this winter. With very low temperatures, mice and rats will be looking for somewhere warm to sleep and breed. Keep your kitchen free of rubbish and excess food waste, and be sure to contact Right Pest Control’s expert rodent control team on 0478 308 361 if you are faced with a rat or mouse problem. We can safely and quickly assess and eradicate a rodent infestation from your Melbourne home, business or property.


Rat Exterminator

Mice Exterminator Western Suburbs Melbourne

     Mice Exterminator Western Suburbs Melbourne                  

Do you need a Mice Exterminator Western Suburbs Melbourne

There’s no doubt that it’s horror movie material. It’s night time and not long before you hit the sack after a long day’s work when a mouse—or worse, a rat—runs through your house and disappears somewhere. Where, no one is really sure. Bed somehow seems less appealing, more like a chamber is which a huge rodent and its entire family peer in on you from their undetermined home in the walls/ceiling/floor/behind the bed itself! And even if some of these rodent-homes are summoned by your own (debatably) irrational fears, that rat or mouse has to live somewhere, right? Sadly, yes.

So, you ask me, why do you have this problem in your Melbourne home or property? Your home might be brand new. It might be old and charmed but seemingly well-looked after. Rats and mice can infest any home, and at Right Pest Control we judge no one—we have seen pests occupy some pretty ideal spaces. So, what are some of the factors that might make your home the perfect residence for a rodent and their ever-growing family?

SANITATION: Make sure that rubbish bags and food waste is not left lying around your home. Rodents will do pretty much anything for their young, and that involves seeking out the rubbish you left near the door ready to take out a few days ago now. Homes that have poor hygiene standards (and we do understand, life is busy and there is so much that can get in the way) are very likely to attract rodents, so make sure you keep it clean and tidy to avoid sending out the “welcome” signal to these nasty pests.

INSIDE SHELTERS: Other than food, rodents love to nest, breed, and sleep, and to be honest, your home looks pretty cosy from outside. Rats and mice can squeeze themselves into the smallest of gaps and cracks to reach the pot of gold inside your home, so make sure that you seal up these small spaces and inlets as best as you can.

OUTSIDE SHELTERS: And if they can’t make it inside, rats and mice will settle for second best: a new home in your backyard or around the periphery of your house. This makes firewood piles, discarded furniture, and the shells of old cars more than just rubbish—they are all potential rodent hotels, so clear up and get rid of junk wherever possible.

There are many other variable factors that contribute to rats and mice becoming your new, unwanted house guests. As the temperature drops, your home will look more and more inviting to these pests; loud construction noise and disturbance will disrupt nests; natural disasters will shock rodents from their current living spaces. There are many things you can’t avoid, and if you find you home or property in Melbourne’s western suburbs is a new home for rodents, call Right Pest Control on 0478 308 361 and we will safely and quickly eliminate the problem Mice Exterminator Western Suburbs Melbourne.